Add Value To Your Brand With Professional Amazon 3rd Party Sellers

Whenever I scroll through brands on Amazon, I notice that they’re all doing essentially the same thing and they’re doing it over and over again. Most Amazon sellers aren’t even trying to add value to the brand whose products they are selling.

In reality, these sellers are nothing more than leeches. They collectively suck value from your brand, and slowly destroy the equity that you worked so hard to build. This is why I’m totally not surprised that many brands today don’t want to sell their products on Amazon. But having authorized, professional 3rd party sellers can help.

Benefits That Professional 3rd Party Sellers Offer Brands
Inventory Management

If your products are in a competitive niche, running out of inventory is the kiss of death in terms of sales rank and product visibility.

When you have more than one seller carrying your product, they are unlikely to provide you with a coordinated sales forecast, this leaves too much to chance. One professional 3rd party seller on the other hand takes this problem away and adds value to your brand.

Report & Identify MAP Violators

If your company has a MAP policy, then it’s almost certain that you are already familiar with the frustration that comes from seeing your product selling on Amazon below MAP because every time this happens all your other retail partners are quick to voice their complaints.

Controlling MAP on Amazon is quite challenging especially when it comes to identifying who all the unauthorized sellers are.

If you work with a professional 3rd party seller, this is one area is where you should expect a 3rd party seller to add a great deal of value because it is in that 3rd party seller’s best interest to help you identify all of the sellers who are selling your product below MAP.

Drive Revenue with PPC Advertising Campaigns

If your products are not easily seen on Amazon search results, creating and managing effective PPC advertising campaigns is a necessity for increased exposure.

When you have several sellers on each of your product listings, it’s unlikely that any of them is putting the effort necessary into these promotional strategies – and your sales are suffering as a result.

On Amazon, PPC & SEO work together to achieve greater product exposure, and they are a powerful combination if used properly.

This is also an area where a professional 3rd party seller with experience in PPC campaign management can add a whole lot of value to their relationship with you.

Increase Visibility Using Keyword Research

Currently, 40% of item research on the Internet starts on Amazon. This suggests that one of the major way to maximize product visibility on Amazon lies in having a thorough understanding of all of the search terms the buyers might use to check for your product and then optimizing your listing to show up for these search terms.

Glancing through products on Amazon, it is now obvious that not even one of the current sellers for a given product have put any serious effort into keyword research and optimization.

For instance, if your product title doesn’t have the right keyword, you will surely not rank very high on the Amazons search results – and sales will suffer.

This is yet another area where a professional 3rd party seller comes in to play and when they do, you should see a rise in organic sales immediately.

Go with an Exclusive 3rd Party Seller

Giving a single seller exclusivity for one or all of your products will help solve a lot of problems that most brands face on Amazon today.

With just one seller representing your brand, they will help you:

  • Control MAP pricing & eliminate the race to the bottom
  • Identify and eliminate unauthorized sellers
  • Increase your product reviews
  • Make sure that your listings are fully optimized (appropriate pictures, good sales copy, adequate keyword targeting) for maximum product visibility.
  • Give you detailed reports on the performance of the Amazon channel.
  • Ensure professional and consistent customer service.
  • Work hand in hand with you as your partner and add a great deal of value to your relationship.

If you haven’t considered Amazon eCommerce strategy up to this point, you are certainly leaving a lump sum on the table.

Don’t ignore requests from new sellers to sell your products on Amazon, instead, use the services of a professional 3rd party seller and see how they can add value to your brand.

Work with us

Premium Synergy is your one-stop-shop for everything ecommerce. From sales and marketing, to picking, packing and shipping – we handle it all so you don’t have to. We are your ecommerce sales solution! We increase sales by developing and implementing tailored & platform specific marketing initiatives that leverage resources like sponsored ads and maximize opportunities for sales and exposure. With over 100 brand partnerships, millions of items sold, we make selling online look easy.