Our services

Ecommerce Made Easy

Selling online is hard, complicated and confusing. We make your life easier by taking this responsibility off your hands.

Expert Brand Management

In addition to sales, Premium Synergy enhances your brand in the e-marketplace by providing consistently great service to customers.

Exposure, Exposure, Exposure

We have mastered every platform we trade in so we can guarantee consistently great exposure for your brand and products.

See all our services

What We Do


With more 80% of people actively searching for the lowest price when buying online, price monitoring has become essential. We will help you enforce MAP and help prevent brand erosion by keeping your company out of an ugly price war.


Marketing and promotion is the cornerstone of ecommerce success. We will create strategic and impactful campaigns that’ll promote your brand and put your products in front of every customer looking to make a purchase


The aim of bringing your products online is to sell it – this is our forte. We are online sales experts and masters of e-marketplaces so we’ll position your products for easy discoverability and set you up for success.

Take Your Business To The Next Level!

Start Generating e-commerce sales

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Who We Are ?

We are your one-stop-shop for everything ecommerce. From sales and marketing, to picking, packing and shipping – we handle it all so you don’t have to. We are your ecommerce sales solution!

  • We increase sales by developing and implementing tailored & platform specific marketing initiatives that leverage resources like sponsored ads and maximize opportunities for sales and exposure. With over 100 brand partnerships, millions of items sold, we make selling online look easy.
  • We don't overpromise and under-deliver. In fact the opposite is usually the case. We pride ourselves on our honesty and reliability, so if we discover that something isn't to your greatest advantage; we let you know immediately.

Grow Your Brand - Skyrocket Your Sales

More Than a Third-Party Seller…

We strive to build strong relationships with all brand partners and to always represent you accurately, so we take our time to study your company, your products, your goals, and ensure we align them with our strengths to produce positive outcomes on ecommerce marketplaces.

We are setting the pace for online commercial retail. Currently, we work with a little over 100 brands – all industry leaders and are looking to add your brand to our portfolio.


Featured Blog Posts

How To Stop Unauthorized Online Sales

Unauthorized and unofficial sales of products on 3rd party websites like amazon is affecting so many businesses. It’s eroding their brand and affects sales to distributors and wholesalers. But it can be stopped. Below, we’ve recommended 3 step program that’ll help address these sellers:

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Add Value To Your Brand With Professional Amazon 3rd Party Sellers

Whenever I scroll through brands on Amazon, I notice that they’re all doing essentially the same thing and they’re doing it over and over again. Most Amazon sellers aren’t even:

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